About US

Life inspiring quote is a website where we inspire, educate and entertain audiences of all ages with family-friendly quotations from history's most prominent figures through to today's newsmakers - famous celebrities, athletes, politicians, authors, and everything in between. We are passionate about quotes, and on a mission to share our knowledge with the world. We share quotations and develop quote collections to inspire, motivate and entertain our highly-educated audience. Some quotes have historical, political or cultural relevance, while others are just for fun. The quotes we select are intentional and designed to create a rewarding Life Inspiring Quote experience.

Life Inspiring Quote is 100 % Free service, supported by ad revenue generated from ads appearing on our site. Our advertising team works with credible advertisers and high-quality ad networks. We make sure the ads shown on our site are family-friendly, and we limit invasive and intrusive advertising because we value our audience, and want everyone to Like us!

Our quotations and quote collections have motivated, inspired and informed millions, We include different types of quotes because they entertain or add to our cultural conversation. While they may be neither intelligent, amusing or otherwise clever, the person quoted had something to say that mattered to them - and for this reason, their words matter to us.

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