Budddha 's Powerful Quotes will change your Mind
The Buddha's powerful Quotes will help one to improve the quality of the decision, way of thinking, attitudes about things, and ways of Actions in life. These Quotes will give you enlightenment in thinking, and boost your moral knowledge for life to live a better life.
Not everyone will understand your journey.
Just be yourself and carry on.
Everything is temporary,
So try not to get
too attached.
Don't ask why people keep
hurting you. Ask yourself
why are you allowing.
Strong people don't put others down...
They lift them up.
The secret to living well and longer is:
Eat half,
Walk double,
Laugh triple,
and love without measure.
You will never be HAPPY if you continue to
hold on to the things that make you SAD.
Sometimes the things you are hopping for,
come at unexpected Times.
Before you speak
T = is it true?
H= is it helpful?
I= is it inspiring?
N= is it necessary?
K= is it kind?
Sometimes you need bad things to
happen to inspire you to change
and grow. Maybe that's why they're
happening to you.
No one is born with self confidence.
Self confidence is Learned and
earned with experience.
Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.
The most dangerous creature on
Earth is a fake friend.
I am mature enough to forgive you,
but not dumb enough to
Trust you again
If you can change your mind, you can
Change your life.
Learn to work alone.
It will make you
There are 4 very important words in life
and Respect.
Without these in your life, you have nothing.
Don't waste time on REVENGE.
Those who hurt you will eventually
face their own KARMA.
They are murdered by EGO, DISRESPECT,
Never explain yourself to anyone...
Because the person who likes you
doesn't need it, and the person who
dislikes you won't believe it .
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